
What is ZEROCO2?


"ZEROCO2 is a group of Initiatives and Projects that propose concrete actions aimed at building ZEROCO2 ZONES, located in different geographical points globally, connected through the ZEROCO2.WORLD Platform, that will allow everyone to collaborate in the construction of a Sustainable World, Healthy, Prosperous and Less World Carbon"


Through the ZEROCO2 Model we will take advantage of the potential of communications and the internet, to connect and integrate through the ZEROCO2.WORLD Platform, the different stakeholders such as producers, consumers, suppliers, partners, public organizations and the whole community looking for solutions, value generation, clean development, renewable generation, efficient use of resources and much more.

There are many reasons that justify the ZONAL Model and Perspective:

  • There is a high degree of coincidence in the objectives and needs of the stakeholders, companies, people and community members.

  • It facilitates the process of prioritizing solutions.

  • It allows establishing a scale of initiatives and suitable projects that are easily measurable, quantifiable and reproducible.

  • A ZONAL Model and Perspective generates a high degree of collaboration and relationship between people, neighbors, businesses and other members of the community.

  • It facilitates the research and generation of new opportunities for growth and improvement.

  • When generating a ZONAL model, you become part of a common infrastructure, system, program and laws.

  • It facilitates the quantification of results and impacts of each action, initiatives and solutions implemented.

  • It makes more effective and efficient the use of resources and efforts made to achieve the same objective.

We can really list many other reasons, but to achieve a favorable result and transform Climate Change into an opportunity to change our economic model based on fossil fuels in a Carbon Zero Model, we must generate actions and local changes that integrated, added and connected, will be transformed in global.

How is ZEROCO2 organized?

ZEROCO2, its activities, collaborations, solutions, projects and implementation of the ZONES are organized and structured in four initial initiatives: Energy, Efficiency, Connectivity and Mobility. 

Under ZEROCO2, a series of activities and specific projects will be developed seeking to take advantage of the Opportunities and Common Challenges of each ZONE in relation to the initial initiatives proposed.

Each Zone goes through a phase of study and previous design, with the purpose of ensuring that it makes economic sense and that it can generates a real benefit for the different stakeholders, the community and other neighboring areas to share the unused capacities and resources. This Design shows how a Zone could integrate a series of technological solutions, taking advantage of the resources, spaces and capacities of all the members of the community to produce, consume and generate benefits. We imagine areas that take advantage, for example, of the capacity of the community members to produce renewable energy for their own consumption and/or from third parties, thus avoiding dependence on centralized systems.

Some of the activities under development are:

  • Research, Design and Development of ZONES in Latin America, Europe and other geographical points proposed by our collaborating partners and other organizations.

  • Research, Design and Implementation of Solutions according to the proposed initiatives: Energy, Efficiency, Connectivity and Mobility. We are currently working on the promotion of solar projects for energy supply in different areas and communities, among other projects.

  • Implementation of the ZEROCO2 Network (Collaborators Network)

  • Research, Design and Development of the ZEROCO2 Platform (ZEROCO2.WORLD)

  • Implementation of the ZEROCO2  "Knowledge Center" (Publications, Ideas and Innovative Solutions, Research, Experiences, Works and others related to the initiatives and projects)

These are examples of the activities and projects scheduled by the management team, open to the collaboration of other organizations globally, you can collaborate  with this and many other activities by signing up in our community at ZEROCO2.WORLD or contacting through

"To Re-Imagine, founding company and designer of this model and project, the present and future of a sustainable and low carbon economic system, is in the collaboration and integration of the entire community, at all levels. A total and integrated collaboration that transcends borders, cultures, countries and continents, and more than saving costs, will allow all people, cities, countries and ZONES to have infinite possibilities and opportunities for growth, innovation and development that will help us to build a sustainable and less carbon future"

Do you want to be part of this new global ecosystem? 

The ZEROCO2 management team invites all people, companies, entrepreneurs and organizations to be part of our global community and collaborate in the construction of a new model of development, a new world.

Sign Up here:  ZEROCO2.WORLD



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